...sorry folks. We need to talk about your group shot list.

Before every wedding I'll ask (or if you've booked another photographer, they'll ask) for a group shot list. This'll be a list of different groups of people that you'd like more formal photos with. Nan usually likes these printed on the fireplace.

BUT there are 3 big reasons you should probably keep these to a minimum. Let's go...

1) It'll take up more time than you think.

After your ceremony be sure that everyone will dart in different directions. Mum to the loo, dad to the bar, son up a nearby tree. Rounding everyone up can become a little like an episode of Countryfile with Matt Baker visiting young sheep herders (otherwise known as shepherds). Catch my drift? The time taken to wait around and capture these photos, will mean that I'm missing out capturing the candid shots.

2) You likely won't love them as much as the candids.

Now I'm a photographer, obviously I want you to love every photo taken on your wedding day. That being said, I'm guessing you probably didn't book me (hopefully), just based on my previous group shots. Maybe you did because you know I'm less serious about them. The point is, is that the group photos are important, but in the main the ones you look back over with most emotion, will be those that are captured without you knowing. Having fewer formal group photos will mean more opportunity for me to capture natural moments.

3) It's a big one! Nobody really likes having them.

I'm sorry but it's true. It's nothing against you, they just don't enjoy them. Have you ever been to a wedding or heard about a wedding, where they spent more time standing around for photos than enjoying the day? Nobody wants that. Imagine being pulled away from the canopies or even worse, the bar. Don't get me wrong, everyone I've ever photographed during group shots have always been up for it and I've never had anyone kick up a stink. I just know if it were me, I'd prefer to be sampling the grub. So keep them short and sweet. You too don't want to miss out on the food.

My best advice...

I'm not saying don't have group photos. Honest! They are definitely worth having and can be made quite fun, especially with the groom and bridal party. So what would I advise?

1 - Stick to a maximum of 10 different groups of people, and that is absolute max!

2 - Give your photographer a nominated people gatherer. I always ask my couples for one, so that whilst I'm capturing one group of people, they can be Countryfile herders gathering the next lot.

3 - Spice up group shots. Have a laugh. Fling the groom in the air. You don't have to all stand in a line looking straight ahead and smile awkwardly.