Am I the photographer for you?

As wedding photographers get booked up, sometimes 2 years in advance, finding your wedding photographer is usually second on your lengthy "to do" list. In most cases, but not all, you'll be thinking about choosing your photographer right after booking your venue.

Choosing a wedding photographer is no easy task and can be quite daunting. Where do you even start? Well, my best advice would be to start by answering the following questions...

No.1 ~ What Style Do You Like?

There are SO many photographers out there with their own editing style. Some of these styles include; Dark & Moody, Earthy & Muted, Bright & Airy, High Contrast, Black & White, and the list goes on. You'll be able to tell from a photographers website and Instagram page what their signature style is, and most often the photographer will state it somewhere on their site. Instagram is a good place to browse and work out what you're drawn to and what you'd love for your day.

My Style ~ I would describe my style as warm, light & romantic.

No.2 ~ What Is Your Budget?

Everyone's budget will be different. To some, photographs are one of the most important aspects of their day and so they'll be happy to invest more into their photographer. When looking at how much each photographer charges, remember to look at what's included in the package, do they add prints or is that something that has to be purchased after the gallery is delivered? Another thing to take into consideration is experience. In general, most photographers will increase their prices year on year as their experience and portfolio grows, which is a fair deal. However, I wouldn't discredit a photographer who's new to the wedding industry. Like myself, some may have been in the photography game for years and are absolute gods at using a camera but only recently moved into weddings.

My Packages ~ I offer two different packages, which include prints and also the option to purchase more once you've received your gallery. The reason I decided to include prints is because I'm forever telling people to "print the bloody pictures", "get them framed", "make an album", so I thought it'd be pretty naff of me to not include them when I'm such an advocate for printing memories.

No.3 ~ What Type of People Do You Get On Best With?

This is v important! Your photographer is going to be with you all day, you should probably like them right? If you're wondering "how on earth do I find out if I'll get on with them?"... read their website! You'll be able to get a feel for the person by the language and the tone of voice they use on their website. Pretty much all photographers will have an "About me" page that, believe it or not, they didn't write up for no reason (: Also if you're on Instagram, this will be by far the best way for you to see if you like the person behind the lens. You'll get a feel for what they're like as a person and what they do in their spare time.

My Personality ~ I'm one of those insane people that would rather stay in a tent by a lake than a 5 star hotel in Dubai. I'm not a flash person, I much prefer life's simple pleasures. I like to think I'm very laidback and always up for a laugh and a bit of spontaneity. My perfect honeymoon would be traveling around Europe in a camper van for a month.

To Sum Up...

Find someone who's work you love, someone who's rates are within budget and importantly someone that isn't going to annoy the crap out of you for the next year! Just because your aunties friends daughter is a photographer doesn't mean you have to book her.

If you'd like more information about booking your wedding with me please do complete the enquiry form and I'll send over my information pack, which is filled with everything you need to know to decide if I'm a good match for you.