Tyn Dwr Hall, North Wales

Now this is a special one because I actually know Aimee from working in my local hospital. Back in 2014 Aimee and I met at a nursing assistants interview day. As soon as we got chatting I knew that she'd become my new work bestie (if I got the job). Shortly after we both landed ourselves a job on the new "winter ward" 51. We worked together for almost 3 years before we both went onto different things.

In October last year Aimee dropped me a message about photographing her wedding. I didn't need to ask any questions, I just knew it was going to be beautiful.

Friday 5th May 2023, forecast, possible thunderstorms.

Traveling to Tyn Dwr Hall with so much anticipation for the day, praying the weather holds out until the evening. Thankfully the ceremony was inside which saved me from having a mini heart attack, but at least the bride would've known CPR (don't worry working in the hospital you do have to have a bit of a dark sense of humour to keep you afloat).

When I arrived the girls were slowly getting ready, steaming the dresses and trying to entertain Aimee's 1 year old, Nancy.

As you can imagine prep for the groom was a slightly different picture. Now don't shout at me for that, it's a fact. No yogurt covered tot crawling around, no delicate satin dress to steam and no last minute tit tape searching (we found it in the end).

Photographing Aimee's details was a treat. The textures and light in Tyn Dwr Hall are a photographers friend. 10/10 to the venue!

During prep Aimee opened a gift that Danny had thoughtfully left for her. Something new and Tiffany blue. Extra brownie points for him!

When Aimee had slipped into her dress with help from mum, had final shimmery touches by sister, and was fed by one of the bridesmaids, she was ready to go. But not before the girls recreated a TikTok video they'd seen, holding pictures of Aimee not at her best (which is still a mile better than my best) before revealing the "transformation".

The ceremony room was decorated so elegantly with white roses. Aimee walked down the aisle with her mum and as she approached Danny at the top, you could tell she felt like bursting with happiness. Now we have to talk about the page boy, Frankie. I'm sorry Aimee and Danny, he did steal the limelight a little bit during the ceremony. Never have I ever seen someone take so much precaution with a ring box... and to be fair, I think it's the adults that need one of these security cases. Let's call it beer proof!

Another first for me was hearing a noise during the "Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace". Don't worry Nancy I'm sure you'll be reminded of that in years to come!

After the ceremony is was onto the less serious part of the day, fizz, food and flares.

It was absolutely baking, so much for the thunderstorms hey, and Aimee and Danny didn't want to be standing around trying to get a whole bunch of group shots. So I whizzed around to round up the "must photograph" people and we got what we needed super quickly so they could enjoy their guests and perhaps reapply some deodorant.

Before it was time for speeches and a sit down meal, I took the two of them off for couple shots. They also had a videographer with them on the day, Joel from Big Adventure Films who was a pleasure to work with.